Thursday 16 July 2015

Free parking appears on paper to be a major attraction for shoppers, businesses and sometimes even Local Councillors and politicians across many towns and cities. In reality, free parking is only a short term illusion as it has been proven time and time again it will be abused by motorist and ultimately requires charges and appropriate controls to make it work to the benefit of all users 

For any High Street to be reasonably successful, it must provide a good variety of well presented, run and attractive shops, eateries and amenities the local community want to use and enjoy, and for all to be available in a safe and clean environment. It also needs to have in place a comprehensive travel plan suited to the needs of their visitors. This would normally include appropriate provisions for those travelling on foot, by public transport, cyclists and motor vehicle. Having visited many successful High Streets across the UK and Internationally, it is clear to me that appropriate parking policies are vital to maintain and develop a successful and flourishing location.

I have seen many different types of free parking schemes implemented with little thought or objectives that have created major problems. Such having relatively empty car parks while drivers are circulating or waiting for a free 30 minute space is available on street creating unnecessary congestion and pollution. I have also seen poor performing schemes were previously the average stay was consistently between 90 and 120 minutes changing to less that 60 minutes because the council introduced a free 1 hour period. I have seen places that as the parking schemes are no longer self financing, the Authorities either stop or reduce significantly the parking management and this leads to an even worst situation with major level of abuse by workers and all day parkers. Finally I have seen Authorities subcontracting the free parking off street to private operators who them use ANPR cameras to capture every driver that overstay the free period and resulting in many users bitterly having to pay substantial parking charges and as a result in many instances not going back to the location.     

The parking policy to complement the success of successful places, needs to deliver in a number of areas like encouraging short term stays, introduce the most appropriate controls, Pay on Exit or Pay and Display and as a result promoting circulation of visitors. This is typically done by having the most appropriate and best value charges for the first 3 - 4 hours to encourage trade and higher charges for those wishing to stay longer.

The parking policy also needs to provide as necessary long term parking for local workers and commuters to park away from the shops and discourage workers parking all day in car parks close to the shops and amenities and taking the available spaces at the expense of shopping customers.